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Decomposition Method | Tools and Techniques

Decomposition Method - PBS:- Decomposition is a general approach to solving a problem by breaking it up into smaller ones and solving each of the smaller ones separately, either in parallel or sequentially. Product Breakdown Structure (PBS) - A hierarchy of all the...

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Gantt Chart | Tools and Techniques

Introduction:- A Gantt chart is a visual tool that helps project managers plan and track a project's progress. Henry Gantt designed and popularized the Gantt chart around 1910–1915. Gantt charts are often displayed as a bar chart, where each task is represented by a...

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Johari Window | Tools and Techniques

Johari Window :- The Johari Window is a self-awareness and personal development tool created by psychologists Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham. It helps people better understand their relationship with themselves and others through four "windows" or quadrants. This...

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